

今年的香港同志影展明天開幕了,還在坐月,看來跟它是沒有緣份了。幸好上年的同志影展放映的電影現在經已有vcd看,況且不知是否宣傳小冊子的問題還是今年的電影的確不同了,好像覺得今年選播的影片太激了,我還是喜歡較含蓄的,例如約半年前在包浴缸看的Angels in America,其中一幕至今還記得:

人物:Louis(男同性戀者), Joe(已婚男子)<--二人是不認識的

Louis: (痛斥剛才對他視若無睹的男職員)Reaganite heartless macho lawyers!
Joe: Well, that's unfair.I voted for Reagan. Twice.
Louis: Well, oh boy. A gay Republican.
Joe: Excuse me?
Louis: Nothing.
Joe: Oh, I'm not... no, forget it.
Louis: Not... Republican? Not Republican?
Joe : What?
Louis: What?
Joe: Not gay. I'm not gay.
Louis: Oh. Sorry. It's just that sometimes you can tell by the way a person sounds. I mean, you sound...
Joe: No, I don't. Like what?
Louis: Like a Republican.
Joe: Do I sound like a...?
Louis: What? Like a Republican? Or do I?
Joe: Do you what?
Louis: Sound like a...
Joe: Yeah. Like a... I'm confused.
Louis: Yes. My name is Louis but all my friends call me Louise. I work in word processing. Thanks for the toilet paper.
[Joe goes to speak, but Louis quickly plants a kiss on his cheek before exiting, leaving Joe slightly shocked]

Joe自覺是直的,抗拒被誤會是基的,所以很迅速地否認Louis的話,於是當對方說”It's just that sometimes you can tell by the way a person sounds. I mean, you sound...”時,他便急不及待地打斷對方的話來否認,但否認後才發現其實自己其實未弄清楚對方的問題,於是答完”No, I don't.”之後又加了一句” Like what? ” Louis巧妙地答了”Like a Republican. ”
Joe半信半疑,想知道自己究竟像不像gay的,於是問”Do I sound like a...?” 又想問,又怕直接問,結果問得含含糊糊,然後被Louis反問了一條不知是否裝傻扮矇的問題”What? Like a Republican? Or do I?” 如是者,二人越問越亂,最後只好相視而笑,欲言又止的說話,似有還無的感覺,始終比火辣辣的情慾情節窩心。
看的時候覺得演Joe的演員超級面善,但想來想去也想不到他演過甚麼,後來上網起底,才發現他便是在Phantom of the Opera 演Raoul的Patrick Wilson,唱得演得睇得,有前途。

喜歡的同志tv series,還有Queer As Folk(UK version),看的是沒有字幕的DVD,只聽得明部份對白,但已足以令我喜歡它,喜歡它不會只著重感觀享受,還有細膩的感情描寫:慣了縱慾的Stuart面臨三字頭來臨的恐懼,喜歡Stuart的Vince默默守候愛郎,還有二人身邊各色各樣的同志朋友,發展出多采多姿的故事,加上具電影感的拍攝,及輕鬆的配樂,令人看得心曠神怡(?!),當然,當中也有討論嚴肅問題的情節,氣氛又會頓時變得沉重,但有時又會加插抵死的對白來緩和氣氛,例如:

1)Stuart VS Roy (Nathan's mother)
[Roy has just rammed Stuart's car after spotting him kissing his son.]
Stuart: What the fuck are you doing?
Roy: Fifteen! That boy is fifteen!
Stuart: So? The car is only six months old and you've still buggered it.

2) Stuart和一女同志誕下孩子,其後問題接踵而來,令Stuart很煩躁
Stuart: It's the exact opposite of child-birth, first you have the baby and then you get fucked.




Anonymous said...

我仲記得Stuart個仔叫做 "alfred "

林時拉夫斯基 said...

haha,係ar,Stuart 仲叫Vince「run a check on "Alfred." 」,跟住Vince就如數家珍般答「Alf Roberts; "Alfie," Michael Caine; "Alf," that American sitcom with the puppet--bit dodgy, but that's forgotten by the time he's in school, unless it's on cable... bet they've got it on Bravo. Oh... Alfred's the name of Batman's butler! Marvelous. Good name! 」