

誇下海口要自學,結果,兩小時後到漫畫店租了五本漫畫,然後一頭栽進去,KO了四本。(另一本因為租錯了期數,暫時未能看~) <--這個人是無藥可救了~




這樣的沉溺,加上每天乘地鐵往返住所及公司,突然覺得,自己會變電車男~~~ |||||||||||||||||||||||


Scott McLean said...

Hi, I remembered some movies I like. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was excellent, with a great story and acting. Did you ever see Long Day's Journey Into The Night? It's a very interesting movie.

Years ago I watched Sophie's Choice, and that was outstanding.

I liked the movie The Terminal because the main character is from a country that speaks Russian, or at least something close to Russian. One of the dialogues was very clever in its use of the Russian language.

You are really producing quite a few movie reviews. I'm glad to see the reviews, even though I can't read them. Have a great week, Scott

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hehee i got more to recommend but the ones i like are those similar to naruto and op can't recall if there is anything else like "alive" but i am currently reading 植木的法則 and monster i like "朋友”more ar but the writer has definitely shown tremendous potential my elder sister and i were amazed!!! if "朋友”ends i dun think we can withhold our expectation la for his next comics