我實在太後知後覺了,今天看報紙,才知道J.R.R. Tolkien的新書The Children of Hurin將於下個月出版。
猶記得當年看Lord of the Rings小說看到結尾時,很心酸,因為捨不得那故事完結,捨不得從中土世界抽離。
後來看了The Hobbit,但始終無法延續那份情懷。接著又買了The Silmarillion、Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth,以及四大本History of Middle Earth,但一直都未有時間細看。
但今天發現Tolkien有新書時,依然感動。發現此書由他兒子Christopher Tolkien所編,Alan Lee 繪畫插圖時,一股久違了的興奮直湧上心頭。
於是我仿如回到當年沉迷Lord of the Rings的歲月,懷著興奮的心情上網搜尋資料。
Over the past 30 years, several volumes of Hurin segments have been published, but to read through them was an ordeal that rivaled the heroes' own epic quest. "There were all these pieces and different versions of the story that didn't agree with each other," says Michael Drout, Prentice associate professor of English at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts.
This version, however, is a definitive, coherent text. Credited as the book's editor, the force behind the volume is Tolkien's son Christopher, who spent the last 30 years collecting and synthesizing the fragments and binding them into a seamless narrative, one that will make Hurin accessible both to casual readers and to those who speak Elvish in their sleep. Christopher Tolkien has long been a caretaker and editor of his father's work. Exceedingly close to his father growing up, he became the keeper of all things hobbit upon J.R.R.'s death in 1973.
The Children of Hurin的資料:
Harper Collins's Book Description
TIME: The Return of the King
The Independent: Tolkien's son completes father's unfinished epic
Wikipedia: The Children of Húrin
不過平裝版應該沒有Alan Lee的插圖,有點可惜。
最肉赤係只得320頁,仲要係普通novel size, 赤到入肉也!
you never update your blog, you're a bad guy.
it's selling swindon $224, go get it, lamslaivski!
man of the west:
sure u can flip it, plenty in tst shop, on the table just before the entrance, unwrapped.
most of the pictures are full color on matt art paper, go hit the book nail, Slavsky Lam!
有得揭就好喇,我記得以前o係 PageOne見到有d LOTR o既書唔俾人揭黎睇,好無癮~
不過LOTR o既書真係唔可以亂揭,我書架上o既《Art of the Two Towers》同《Art of the Return of the King》,就係揭書惹的禍~
尖沙咀辰衝大方過page one好多喇. 打書釘完全唔會有問題, 加上二樓張軟林林梳化, 包你樂不思蜀. 唯一問題係從地下運本書上二樓有少少唔自然.
好似你呢d咁驚引人注意0既人, 最好搵日戴個假髮, 走入去門口張檯攞起本書扮睇, 跟住一路睇一路慢慢(不經意)移入去左邊果兩排fiction中間(果度可以完全避開晒櫃檯店員視線),路住靠牆竄到樓梯口, 一個箭步挾書直上, 臨入二樓門口前再打開本書扮睇, 一路睇一路走入去Philosophy果格, 隨手攞多本維根斯坦, 直達盡頭果兩張單人梳化, 黎到呢度你已經算成功偷運左本書上二樓, 跟住你就可以安坐睇書, 二樓阿姐多數無咁好心情理你(其實最好你唔好煩住佢添). 如果你夠耐性, 坐0係度半日睇晒本書都仲可以.
但如果你真係驚比人盤, 本維根斯坦就可以起到扮高深同"理所當然0係度"0既作用.
我講漏左, 逃生路線0既最後一步, 亦即其精髓所在, 就係從窗口離開...
(生命無take two, 保重.)
yan....I have been watching more n more abt Johnny Depp's movie................................................n found that..HEZ SUCH A HANDSOME GENTLEMAN ar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bad guy, you still alive?
Woooow!!! Which of his films have u watched?
He's soooooo charming la!!! handsome + talented, wahaha, killing me softly~~~
"good guy",
I'm not yet dead.
you still alive,
you don't update your blog,
then you are really bad.
bad bad guy~
My NITM illness is so serious recently that I am no longer able to update my blog. So maybe you should just leave this abandoned blog alone.
you need some change in your life, grey bad guy.
can't make any significant change
you are just delimiting yourself.
you treat yourself so badly,
bad bad guy....
even a 2hit6 has it's duty and right to struggle for better or less worsened life.
why do you forsake your possibility?
hopeless grey bad guy...
i don't know how i can have a better life.i think i've been trying, but it seems that the situation is still the same. there're still many things around me that i dislike, still many things that people dislike about me, still many things that i dislike about myself.
recently, i keep thinking of a film called "Butterfly Effect", which i watched 3 years ago.It's about a guy who have some kind of supernatural power to go back to events that he experienced in the past and make corrections to them in order to bring out better consequences.but when he corrects event 1, event 2 goes wrong, when he corrects event 2, event 3 goes wrong, and in the end, oh, i don't wanna put down spoilers here, so i won't mention what happens in the ending. anyway, what i feel is that i'm as hopeless as he is.when u try so hard and finally succeed in making day 1 a bearable day, in day 2 u fail to do so. and when u try hard again and gain success in day 3, in day 4 u experience the same failure again. and in the end when u look back and try to figure out why u've experienced so much failure, u find that all things are actually already destined to go wrong at the beginning, so any effort to try to struggle for a better outcome will just be futile. And those day 1 , day 3 and other slightly more bearable momemnts that occassionally appear are also bound to be followed and outnumbered by those day 2, day 4 and other unbearable moments as those success that u've achieved in making a day more bearable are actually not cases of success , but merely some transitions that are programmed in your destined life, transitions that make your unbearable day even more unbearable, just like weekend holidays make monday more unbearable than the rest of the weekdays.
maybe it's not saturday & sunday that make monday unbearable, but your job itself.
it is impossible to resign from holidays, but jobs can resign and change-- anytime you like.
actually, trust me, you are not so bad. you bad bad guy...
can you share some examples about what do you dislike of youself?(without violating your privacy)
no, my job makes all weekdays unbearable, and weekend holidays make monday particularly more unbearable. and i don't think i'm that free in resigning or changing jobs.
examples of what i dislike about myself... haha, of course i won't write about that here, cos i don't know who'll be reading(though it seems that this blog is almost completely abandoned =.=").
i understand your apprehension, FPC@NITMS, maybe 淫審處 is reading...so...ok...just fine...
(just joking)
i'm not sure what makes you feel yourself a walking-corpse-running flesh, maybe it's the self realisation of imperfection.
perfection is so curious that, when you don't think of it, it simply dosn't exist, but once you get a hint of it, it becomes impossible.
the choice is between taking it as nothing or impossible thing.
take it as nothing, the world becomes solid; take it as impossible thing, the world becomes shadow.
good luck to you. you bad bad guy...
5--4--3--2--1 之後,
Promise me! Never give up!! 永不放棄!!!
林伯, d留言都積到破晒紀錄啦喎, 有無諗過復出寫番每日一hea?
開始寫無耐就爛尾, 咁你咪辜負左果位咁熱心0既人士, 糟蹋左人地咁善心0既善舉0羅?
至於剪頭髮狂笑, 問人要多條毛巾塞住個口得無?
其實我介意. 兼且善心受到好大傷害. 姓林0既, 你好狠心~~
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